Competition now open!

We are happy to announce this year’s Clyde in the Classroom competition and would welcome all participants to get involved!

Last year Scotland introduced a 5p bag charge to help reduce the impact of single use carrier bags on our environment. Plastics make up the majority of litter in our rivers we have decided to use this year’s Clyde in the Classroom competition to help tackle the problem and would like you to design an image for a Clyde River Foundation eco-bag!

  • The theme for the design is ‘Caring for the Clyde’.
  • We will accept more than one entry per class but only one design can win! The winning design will be printed onto a cream cotton bag and all members of the winner’s class will receive a bag.
  • Max design size: A4
  • Closing date: Friday 6th May
  • Please send your designs to: Clyde River Foundation, Graham Kerr Building,University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ

Clyde in the Classroom in the news!

Great to see Clyde in the Classroom popping up in the local press! If your school has appeared in print that we may have missed then please send us a copy for us to share!

Check out the latest below from Rashielea (Renfrewshire) and St John’s (East Renfrewsihre) Primary Schools:

Rashielea pupils play their part in environmental project

Barrhead children make ripples with trout release

2015 Competition Winner

We had an amazing response to this year’s Clyde in the Classroom competition, receiving over 600 eco bag design entries in total! The theme ‘Caring for the Clyde’ inspired a whole variety of amazing designs, but we are delighted to announce the winner as Emma Docherty from Newark Primary School P4/5, Port Glasgow. The winning design will be printed onto eco bags for everyone in Emma’s class.


The winning design – well done Emma!

A big well done and thank you to everyone who entered. So many of the entries carried great messages about looking after our rivers (see below, for example) that we plan to share these through our social media pages for all to see!


Judging overseen by a (life-size) bluefin tuna


Just one of the many great ‘Caring for the Clyde’ designs


Competition time!

Clyde in the Classroom 2015 has almost come to a close, but we’d like to take this opportunity to invite the participating pupils to take part in our Clyde in the Classroom competition. This year we would like pupils to design an image for a Clyde River Foundation reusable eco bag . The winning design will be printed on a bag for each member of the class – please see the flyer below for full details!


Most of you are now proud custodians of your trout eggs with the last batches being delivered tomorrow. It is a week since the first eggs were delivered and some have already hatched! We are looking forward to seeing the brown trout develop when we visit each week!


Buses, Dates and Times

All of the coaches required for your trip are now booked. We are just waiting on some companies confirming a pick up time for your school. Once we have this information we will post it in the table below and you will receive a letter posted to the school with the details and a reply slip which we would be grateful if you could return to us. In the meantime please check out your times and dates below and we look forward to seeing you in January 2015.

**EDIT: see post above for the most up-to-date launch day information**

Take me to the river

We were delighted to receive a copy of the ‘outdoor special’ edition of Teach Primary Magazine in the office this week. The magazine highlights a range of outdoor education initiatives and includes a great article on Clyde in the Classroom. Thanks to Miss Weir (Millersneuk Primary), Miss Smyth (St Blane’s Primary), Mrs Kenney (Castlehill Primary) and Mr Campbell (St Columba’s Independent School) for their contributions to the article! Click here to read.



Kilsyth Primary School wins Clyde in the Classroom 2014 competition

We received so many fantastic entries for this years’ Clyde in the Classroom competition and judging was no easy task. We asked pupils to submit a piece of work representing the spirit of Clyde in the Classroom and were delighted to see this inspire a wide variety of entries including mosaics, songs, books and even a computer game!

Following some difficult deliberation we decided on a winner – well done to P6 of Kilsyth Primary School. Their video report of Clyde in the Classroom had it all – facts, drama, music and a lot of humour!

Willie Yeomans, visiting scientist for Kilsyth P6, went along to the school this morning to surprise them with the news and present them with their prize – see pictures below. Thanks to everyone who took part!


Miss Marshall about to announce the news to her class


P6 receive their framed brown trout print from their visiting scientist Wille Yeomans